Momo's Carrd ♡

Basic Info

  • Call me Momo or Cease.

  • I was born in the 80s, so I guess I'm old by fandom standards.

  • She/her, married and grey ace. I live in Australia and yes, I am upside down right now.

  • I'm diagnosed with bipolar II and autism spectrum disorder, so if we're interacting and I seem off, I apologize in advance.

  • I write fanfiction, and have done so for over twenty years now.

  • I still play Gaia Online and Neopets, lol.

  • My husband and I have two dogs, but I love all sorts of animals!

  • My favourite music genres are hair metal, pop-punk, synthwave and eurobeat.

  • I learned Japanese for eight years, so I can understand the language decently, but don't ask me for super accurate translations or anything lmao, that was over a decade ago and I'm horribly out of practise.

Nu:Carnival is currently my main fandom. I tend to hyperfixate on a single fandom so that what you'll mostly see if you follow me. My main ship is Eiden/Edmond, but I also love EiRei, EiOli, EiGaru and DanEi and enjoy every other Eiden/clan member ship. I don't ship the clan members together, but Eiden sandwich threesomes are great!
Other current fandoms include Final Fantasy XIV, World of Warcraft, Promare, Gundam: Witch from Mercury, Black Clover, Rune Factory 4/5, Yakuza, Persona 5, Fire Emblem, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Fire Emblem, tokusatsu/super sentai, Bleach, One Piece, and the tiniest bit of Genshin (I stopped playing before Inazuma came out but I still care about Childe and Zhongli lmao). Forever fandoms include Granblue Fantasy, Pokemon, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sailor Moon, CLAMP manga, Dragon Ball and the Tales Of games.Before you follow:
I'm fairly relaxed about what other people like, as long as they don't try to make me like something I dislike. I do not care about broader fandom discourse and if you try to involve me in it, I will block you. I may not like the subjects that fandom enjoys arguing about myself, but I dislike fandom purity culture more.
You may see me talk about a bunch of consensual kinks that may or may not be "typical" vanilla kinks, hygenic, safe, sane etc. Some kinks I particularly like that others may object to for whatever reason: mpreg (both cis and trans male characters), xeno (thanks Bioware and Blizzard), mild watersports and bloodplay, sounding, light D/s, humiliation, degredation, foot fetish, spanking, lactation, oviposition, alpha/beta/omega dynamics, dubcon, consensual non-consent, tentacles, etc.The above list is not exhaustive and is not in any order. I may talk about some of this stuff a lot, or I might never mention it. Feel free to ask me to warn for certain things when I tweet. I will not talk about noncon or underage; I do not personally enjoy them and I request that people who do enjoy them respect my boundaries.Please do not:
Joke about Parkinson's diease or breast/ovarian cancer. This may sound very specific but I have lost several family members to these diseases and had many more impacted by them, and it fucking sucks. So yeah, please don't.


Please feel free to RT/reply to anything I tweet. I won't be mad if you just mute/block/unfollow me, but if I've somehow upset you I'd rather know and try to work it out. I can be quite tone deaf, so feel free to (gently) tell me to back off or whatever.